About Us


The Lampeter Society exists to support the Lampeter Campus of the University and to act as a focus for alumni. All Lampeter graduates are automatically members of the Lampeter Society and those who give their contact details to the Alumni Officer receive a hard copy of the Society’s full-colour, annual magazine – The Link, past copies of which are available here.


Our support is given financially or in any other appropriate way and covers the whole range of University life. In recent years we have:

  • made annual donations to the Library and the Chapel

  • paid to have the Students’ Union Officers’ Honours Board updated each year

  • funded an annual Lampeter Society lecture

  • bought a mobile bar for the campus catering team

  • contributed towards the cost of the Harmony Garden

  • subsidised a Rugby Club tour and kit for the Fencing Club

  • purchased four volumes of John Donne’s poetry for the Library as well as a book on C.R. Cockerell, (the architect of Old Building)

  • supported an international conference on ‘Globalism in the Ancient World’, organised by the Department of Ancient History


Some graduates make annual donations to the Society, (the minimum requested is £20 - but if you wish to be more generous this would be gratefully received).  These are essential to enable us to maintain the range of support we offer to the Lampeter Campus. 


If you would like to support the work of the Lampeter Society by making an annual donation, please complete this standing order form. We shall be very grateful for your support.

We run a 200 Club to help fund our Lampeter Society bursary. The bursary is given each year to a student from the university’s social inclusion project to help towards the cost of studying and living on the Lampeter campus. You can join the 200 Club any time throughout the year. For more information and to join, click here.